Sunday, August 19, 2012

NEW BLOG! I got a new blog where I'll be able to post photography! I'm very excited and just finished designing it. I'll probably mess around with it a bit more, but I got too tired. If you're still interested in following my adventures, hop on over there! I won't neglect it as I did with this, I promise. Thanks! Maeve (My name, as revealed on the site, is actually Anna :))

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is Summer?

Summer is a warm evening
Summer is laughing
Summer is ice cream
Summer is lie-ins
Summer is late nights
Summer is light flooding through every window
Summer is the longest season
Summer is the carefree attitude
Summer is no longer worried about studying
Summer is photography
Summer is exploration
Summer is friends
Summer is family
Summer is shorts and a tank top
Summer is laziness
Summer is Summer,
and Summer I love

P.S The next thing on my summer list that I did was:
Go to the City, where I got a few books.