Tuesday, December 7, 2010


 I like the flavour of coffee. Coffee cake, coffee biscuits, you name it. I also like the colour and smell of it. My sister has become obsessed with it over the past... week? So, she was making a cup earlier and I commented saying, well, all the above. She then forced me {no joke} to try the 'real' thing.
 I did. Antial reacting '*gag*', added milk & sugar 'Hm... nothing special. I'd have to have a few cups to "get into it"' and my 14 year old sister found it amazing that I was able to sense 'an acquired taste'. . .
  I seriously need to 'stop doing this' air quote things. Well, they aren't air quotes but you know...

I've wanted to write a post for a while now, but still debating over whether I should 'On the lalath day before Christmas I lalalalallala'.

In other news,
 Christmas is coming.

The thing that really {I've probably said this before though} set it off was when we started singing Christmas songs in school again. It's so ridiculously fun. And it's my final year doing it. Sigh.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Okay. I take it back.

 Maybe, just maybe, the feeling of Christmas entered me when we sang the carols we do each year in school. Eight years of Silent Night {In English, Irish & German}, Away in a manger and O' Come all Ye Faithful. I'm actually just being nostalgic here, but this year will be my last. I'm such a nostalgic person.
 Anyway, Maybe it was the blasted/beautiful snow we've been getting here since Sunday. I am seriously, unable to leave the house. I'd rather like to, but for the fact that our gutter will collapse at any second and I don't particularly want to be under it when it does. And also, as far as I know, there is black ice all around.  
 But. It could be just the fact that it's December.
 December is a beautiful month. Not quite physically. But just think. Icicles {I actually saw my 'first icicle' on Tuesday}, if we're lucky, a lovely sheet of snow creating a scene no photographer would want to miss. Atmosphere; mannerly people, light hearted friends, just the overall air of the place. Emotion. We see relatives we haven't seen much or at all throughout the year. We have big celebrations that evoke all sorts of emotion. Happiness, bliss, gladness. Even tears come in some cases. Then, of course, presents. We are all guilty for wanting things, whether it's an action man or an SLR. But, of course, we're satisfied, even overjoyed. We'll last till next year {more like our birthdays}.
 Decorations, I love, to pieces. I've jazzed up my room a little, though we won't start decorating, putting up the tree, etc. until two weeks/ten days before Christmas.
 Then the cheesy songs. Of course, who could forget them? All I want for Christmas is you... Ooooh! Baby! - that would be a catchy one in my opinion (:

Also, this is my 200th post. I'm glad to think I've lasted this long. Anyway, here is my attempt to give you a good 200th post-post.

I cannot believe I'm two shy of 40 followers. Thank you to all my followers, and happy Christmas Season!
